There are factories in China that can manufacture several thousand fta receivers in a short period of time. These receivers are made slightly different, and are given different names such as Octagon and Zgemma, but they are basically the same on the inside. These factories may also provide you with a "coder" or "engineer" for little or no money, depending on how many pieces you buy.

Overall, uClan seems to have better customer support than Octagon. The problems that are in the Octagon SF8008 will most likely also be in the uClan Ustym, but I suspect the Ustym will be better supported. We have already tried Octagon which turned out as a disappointment for most of us. The uClan Ustym has not been released yet, but we can expect them to work on the same problems Octagon SF8008 is having now, so if these problems are fixable, then they will probably be already fixed when the Ustym is released. In other words, the Ustym has about 1 month extra to make improvements before their version of the receiver is actually at retail.

There should also be some other new receivers on the market besides the SF8008 and the Ustym before 2018 is finished. Remember, whatever is seen or shown for blindscan in Europe is about the same as us blindscanning 97 West ku band: The results will always look good!
I have yet to see a good blindscan test for the SF8008, and I expect there are blindscan problems that we have not seen yet. Some people in North America have already ordered the SF8008. and maybe they will post credible information about the receivers performance. I think the Ustym will be as good if not better than the SF8008. We will see...