A manual motor start has been added to the blindscan plugin. I am not going to fool with trying to put tease features in the TNAP5 version and plan to add these updates to the 5.1 version.

Really there are only two ways to identify a satellite in a FTA receiver. The first way is to receive the satellite beacon, which is 100% accurate, but impossible AFAIK for a FTA satellite receiver to do. The second way is to use transponder signals.

Using transponder signals for satellite identification in a FTA receiver is nothing short of messy We do not have a decent source of transponder information that is updated regularly and contains the information needed for satellite identification. Shown in the video below is what I am talking about. At least half of the satellites viewable in North America do not have the first transponder in the satellites.xml list active.

Satellites come and go. Transponders are active, then become inactive....etc. There are dedicated groups in Europe who keep their satellites.xml list updated, but not a single person does that in North America.The exception would be the occasional person who posts to Lyngsat hoping their find will be added. Once something is added to Lyngsat in North America, it usually stays there for months or years after it becomes inactive. So Lyngsat is better than nothing, but almost useless.

TVROSAT is supposed to have accurate satellite listings, but much of their stuff is either outdated, wrong, or Both.

So the basic thing is an active satellite transponder needs to be installed First in the satellites.aml file for each orbit location both C and Ku band that are viewable in North America. Then the list has to be maintained else satellites will quit identifying when accessed by the blindscan plugin. The video below shows what that looks like. And this is exactly Why satellite identification is not in current TNAP images.

It would be nice to have every available satellite identify when called in the blindscan plugin. But in North America, that is probably more of a Pipe Smokin' Dream than anything else.