Why doesn't Openvix make an open statement about this SH4 image using their name?
Not to split hairs, but the SH4 comment in the Openvix log appeared right before the SH4 image. There are not any comments about SH4 until that one that I know of. OpenAtv had a SH4 image for quite a while before the Vix SH4 image appeared. Why weren't there comments about SH4 before this one? Were no comments needed or were just none made?

I also think if you run the Vix SH4 image, you will conclude like I have that somebody somewhere with a very good connection to Openvix has worked on it.
The feeds appear to be from Vix or at least OE. And the way the image is updated online does not look like the work of a sales person.

The Vix SH4 image has bugs. I see there is no selection for audio on channels that have multiple audio feeds. and a couple of other small issues, but overall, the image performs and runs very well.
The screenshot plugin works for the first time that I have seen in any Sh4 image. The overall operating speed of the image seems to be very good too.