I came across this "FIX" as I tried to find a solution to the lack of a real time clock on the S9 so that I can set up daily recording of my favourite programming.

While the "Fix" appears to work and the time is not lost when the box is switched off using the Remote, I have found a number of quirks which I will list in case anyone has come up with solutions I can use.

- Athough the time is not lost, the clock loses accuracy rapidly about a minute per day in my case

- The preset recording date is suppose to increment by one (for daily recording) after each recording event is completed. In my case, the box increment the date by 2 after the first recording which means it skips one day. I have not tried to find out what happens if the date is not reset (does it continue x2 or does it go to x3 etc the next time round?)

- The file DEEP_C2DS2_CMT_1112130641 appears to affect the colour rendition system; the colour of objects containing red appears over saturated and unpleasant to watch. In contract, the file I had been using C2HS2-11-07-17_Legit handles colour very well in fact in the past folks often remark about the quality of the picture when we are tuned to AMC21 (PBS); with the new file, the picture is only mediocre (I have checked that the display setup is at 50% for Brightness, Contrast and Saturation, as they were with the other file.

Has anyone experienced any or all of these problems and were you able to solve them?