From the author: SmartDVB x64 Beta 1 : Size: 25 MB

The first x64 SmartDVB build is now available as a portable download. To install this simply unpack the archive to a folder of choice. Run the incluced batch file 'filters\registerfilters.bat' as administrator. Please note that the x64 build requires x64 decoder versions (both video and audio), previously installed 32 bit versions of decoders will not be seen by the 64 bit version, so please make sure you also install the appropriate x64 versions of the codecs you wish to use with the x64 build. You should now be able to run SmartDVB.exe. This version tries to improve video quality in general, including better 4:2:2 support. Initial unicode support is also added for channel, channellists and EPG. If you still find parts of the app which should be updated for unicode support please let me know.

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