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    Vix 4 SH4 - Discussion
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    Last edited by el bandido; 09-13-2014 at 08:07 PM.
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    It's not from us mate, we dont support the SH4 platform and are very unlikely to any time soon if ever.

    This image while based on ours is the work of a uk based e-tailor who frankly will do any thing to get a sale, hence why he even used our name to con users into thinking they were getting ViX support (lavatronics for those who want to look them up). be warned however, if you buy a receiver from them and it goes wrong or does not do what it was advertised to do, don't post about it on their forum as the admins will just ban you. (They are well known in the UK for their incredibly shoddy customer support, especially when it comes to SH4 receivers which they sell but dont officially support, what ever that means ??).
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    For more information read this.

    ViX4SH4 - What's the story?
    ViX4SH4 is the culmination of a personal project of mine which started out around a year ago with a desire to learn more about Enigma2 and the building of E2 images for various receivers. I started out by getting interested in how images were built and plenty of reading, researching, trialing and testing with the advent of the OE-Alliance and some great help along the way from some OE-Alliance members and some long time help from one or two members on here I managed to successfully create a few builds of E2 firmware for various Broadcom based receivers, my idea at the time being to build an OpenViX firmware for some of those receivers that they didn't/don't officially support, that I did and I hope a few of you are still making use of them to this day.

    Time moved on and things changed, it became not so easy to build from OE-Alliance and my interest became lost a little, that was until few months ago when we had the first interest and introduction of support for SH4 based receivers into the OE-Alliance base (or at least a fork of at the time), the guys that did this are owed a massive amount of thanks and respect from us all interested in SH4 receivers and Enigma2 (in my own opinion especially Sklnet and OpenATV Captain), they have really moved the whole SH4 E2 project forward for us all to a totally different level, never before have we been able to achieve with E2 what we now can from these receivers, and it's mainly thanks to these guys!

    Anyway the thought of official OE-Alliance based images on SH4 receivers (in my case the Amiko Alien and Alien2) peaked my interest again, we've seen some fantastic images out recently from OpenATV for the Alien and Alien2 and I can not give enough thanks for that and a few grabbing the SH4 and E2 by the scruff of the neck and producing something we all probably knew was possible but while close in the past had never quite reached the level of support we'd all hoped and wanted - It now has and with this in mind and where I went with my previous ventures I decided to try my hand at producing a OpenViX type firmware but for the Amiko Alien and Alien2 receivers, and after months more learning, trying and testing I'm happy to say I've produced something which I think is worthy of being released for you all to have a try out of and (hopefully) enjoy!

    I will be posting more detailed information on what the firmware releases are and what they do over the next day or so (hopefully tomorrow and with some screen shots) but for tonight I just wanted to post this up here and get them out for you all to try. I will just finish off by saying again this is all a personal project of mine and I am well and truly still learning as I go along, it's not an officially supported Lavatronics or OpenViX project (please don't turn up on their forum asking for support - they are not going to and it's not fair to ask - they absolutely have my own thanks for OpenViX though and the hard work that's been put in to create what has been achieved by their images), but this (the ViX4SH4 project) is simply something that interests me as a personal project and seems to be taking up a lot of my spare time lately(!), while I love it right now though I make no promises on where this will go and what will happen in the future, right now I'm just enjoying the project and challenge and hope long may it continue, who knows for the future though but I hope some of you will take as much enjoyment out of using this as I have trying to put it all together and seeing the end (or should that be the beginning) results.


    More information on the images will be posted soon as mentioned, in the mean time for those that can't wait I've created a website for my ViX4SH4 project which you can download the latest firmware from, this can be found at [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]. I welcome these firmwares being posted elsewhere if you wish so please feel free to go ahead, but please just remember it's a personal project of mine so personally I'm unlikely to be posting them anywhere other than updates on here and the ViX4SH4 website and perhaps some of the forums Lavatronics sponsor.


    especially the bit in red, this is pretty much true to character of the lavatronics team who will at the drop of a hat ban you if you go to them with a issue quoting that they dont officially support the image, even though it is their own project.
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    I cannot help but think that Openvix had something to do with it because of this note in their log:
    openvix: build 029
    Add more sh4 changes
    Add more sh4 changes
    Does it really matter who made the image and who supports or does not support it? Load it on a SH4 and try it. You will see that the Vix SH4 is a very good image. Time will tell if this image is supported in a major way.
    Meine Dreambox One ist ein Stück Scheiße!.
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    I dont want to come across as rude or argumentative, I just wanted to put on record that we the ViX team (I can state this as I am a senior member of the ViX team with full read / write access to the GIT) are not associated with this image as the post this thread links to wrongly claims. so for the sake of clarification I will say again that we the OpenViX team have nothing and want nothing to do with the sh4 platform.

    This image was produced by a third party using our name to wrongly dupe users into thinking we are involved (you may not consider that of any consequence but we want to make sure our users know it's not us, in the same way you would if some one else cloned your forum and tried to pass them selves off as legitfta !!).

    as for the above quoted entries in the changelog, they are nothing to do with us, but were added to the OE-Alliance GIT by the ATV team as they support the sh4 platform.

    The OE-A git is the central repository into which all member teams contribute to and take from, but we all build our own E2 base (ATV is also based directly on our E2 which is partly why lavatronics were able to build a ViX based sh4 image, even if we dont our selves support this platform).
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pale-Rider View Post
    I dont want to come across as rude or argumentative, I just wanted to put on record that we the ViX team (I can state this as I am a senior member of the ViX team with full read / write access to the GIT) are not associated with this image as the post this thread links to wrongly claims. so for the sake of clarification I will say again that we the OpenViX team have nothing and want nothing to do with the sh4 platform.

    This image was produced by a third party using our name to wrongly dupe users into thinking we are involved (you may not consider that of any consequence but we want to make sure our users know it's not us, in the same way you would if some one else cloned your forum and tried to pass them selves off as legitfta !!).

    as for the above quoted entries in the changelog, they are nothing to do with us, but were added to the OE-Alliance GIT by the ATV team as they support the sh4 platform.

    The OE-A git is the central repository into which all member teams contribute to and take from, but we all build our own E2 base (ATV is also based directly on our E2 which is partly why lavatronics were able to build a ViX based sh4 image, even if we dont our selves support this platform).

    I'd just also like to point out that I have no issue with the ViX4sh4 image, lavatronics or any one else for that matter are free to use ViX as a base for their own image but it is out of order to take our name so that users wrongly assume we are involved.
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    Why doesn't Openvix make an open statement about this SH4 image using their name?
    Not to split hairs, but the SH4 comment in the Openvix log appeared right before the SH4 image. There are not any comments about SH4 until that one that I know of. OpenAtv had a SH4 image for quite a while before the Vix SH4 image appeared. Why weren't there comments about SH4 before this one? Were no comments needed or were just none made?

    I also think if you run the Vix SH4 image, you will conclude like I have that somebody somewhere with a very good connection to Openvix has worked on it.
    The feeds appear to be from Vix or at least OE. And the way the image is updated online does not look like the work of a sales person.

    The Vix SH4 image has bugs. I see there is no selection for audio on channels that have multiple audio feeds. and a couple of other small issues, but overall, the image performs and runs very well.
    The screenshot plugin works for the first time that I have seen in any Sh4 image. The overall operating speed of the image seems to be very good too.
    Meine Dreambox One ist ein Stück Scheiße!.
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    Quote Originally Posted by el bandido View Post
    Why doesn't Openvix make an open statement about this SH4 image using their name?
    To be honest we simply can't be bothered to confront Lavatronics as we have a history with them, but that does not mean I wont step in to give people the facts where I see the need. If and when users come to us for support with this image (It has already happened) they will be told politely to go away and seek help from lavatronics.

    Quote Originally Posted by el bandido View Post
    Not to split hairs, but the SH4 comment in the Openvix log appeared right before the SH4 image. There are not any comments about SH4 until that one that I know of. OpenAtv had a SH4 image for quite a while before the Vix SH4 image appeared. Why weren't there comments about SH4 before this one? Were no comments needed or
    were just none made?
    we usually operate two OE-A branches, one a DEV branch and the other the public branch, up until recently OE-A 2.3 was the dev branch until it was publicly merged into the GIT, The earliest entry in the OE-A git log about sh4 was in july between builds 022 and 023 which was still part of the OE-A 2.2 core. plus the fact that most member teams dont keep as accurate update logs as we do. so it is not surprising that you may not have noticed any thing about SH4 in the public logs prior to that, but I get several hundred emails from the GIT daily, and I see every new addition from all contributors, I saw references to SH4 6 months ago easily, there were also technically teams in the OE-A supporting SH4 way before ATV got involved.

    Quote Originally Posted by el bandido View Post
    I also think if you run the Vix SH4 image, you will conclude like I have that somebody somewhere with a very good connection to Openvix has worked on it.
    The feeds appear to be from Vix or at least OE. And the way the image is updated online does not look like the work of a sales person.
    I can say with 100 percent certainty that is not the case, no one from the OpenViX team is in any way associated with lavatronics, thats not to say no one else in the OE-A has not worked with him, likely ATV. Also as I said above building a image is not the hard part, any one can do that it's updating and providing continual support and bug fixes etc that will show if a image is properly supported. many of those fixes will be coming from the ATV team and their coders, and integrated into the GIT automatically, so again nothing special there. as for the feeds you can run your own from a home server if you have enough bandwidth. and we recently killed all public feeds for all images prior to Apollo build 032 so he's not using ours.

    Quote Originally Posted by el bandido View Post
    The overall operating speed of the image seems to be very good too.
    No doubt as the GIT already has a lot of support for SH4 and this is for a large part a ViX image, but it was not built by us nor is it supported by us, and he nor any one else has the rite to the OpenViX name but us. I hope you understand what I am trying to say.
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    To be honest its nothing more than i would expect from the slimebag who runs Lavatronics. As already stated by Pale Rider he will do anything to get a sale, even if that includes ripping off stuff that doesn't belong to him or stuff that he has no right to use.

    Its no big secret on most of the UK forums on my feelings against Lavatronics and that i have been a thorn in Ants side since he tried to screw me over with a faulty Alien 2 receiver. I made it public knowledge what sort of person he is

    I won't go anywhere that image purely because it is Lavatronics work and out of respect for the VIX Team. The Alien 2 and SHD-8900 are still very flaky and they always will be


    Xtrend ET9500, 1m Gilbertini Dish with Fracarro 0.1db lnb, 75cm Visiosat BISAT G3a triple lnb dish, EMP Centauri IRS system, Technomate TM5402HD, AB Prismcube Ruby, Evo Xfinity Android, nBox 5800s & Amiko Alien 2
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    Lavatronics is not on trial here, but the image that has been released at their website is.
    You do not have to like or dislike a company or a person to use their E2 image.

    I would agree though that Lavatronics is a shady operation at best, and Amiko in general seems to like those kind of people. Still I see no reason to beat up a E2 image just because the company that is hosting it is crap. EB
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