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    New HDMU firmware for the Hypercube
    Date d'Adhésion
    Feb 2012
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    HDMU has gotten in to the Hypercube arena by releasing their first for this receiver. Looks like they will be supporting this receiver because they added the Hypercube category in their downloads section.

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    Date d'Adhésion
    Sep 2012
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    They had a poll on their forum asking how many owners were out there last week. It's an alpha release and they are very interested in suggestions on improvements.

  3. Collapse Details
    Date d'Adhésion
    Dec 2010
    Atlanta, Ga.
    Poster des remerciements / J'aime
    I will load it and see how it does. IMO, the Hypercube could grow into a good receiver if a decent enigma file with blindscan could be made for it. Blindscan is a "must have" for North America. EB
    Meine Dreambox One ist ein Stück Scheiße!.

  4. Collapse Details
    Date d'Adhésion
    Feb 2012
    Poster des remerciements / J'aime
    Since it is an Alpha, it has its problems, but I am sure they will correct them in the next release. Just glad to see support increasing.

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