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    Amiko US Sat List & Spark Editor 1.6
    Date d'Adhésion
    Jul 2011
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    I have found out the Amiko running Spark uses .xml files for sats, channels, favs etc.

    I went to and made a sat.xml file for the US. I also went to that will also generate an xml sat file. No need to register there. satbeams requires it.

    I then went and found these files dumped from a working Eu receiver. Replacing the sat.xml does make the list change to the US sats. But, the original sat file has a header with LNB type, freq, etc.

    It gives you a list to hand edit or look at...maybe a head start with some study.

    The Spark Editor is a tool you'll need anyway.

    The old sat file is called org sat.xml.

    It will load the sat.xml file. I have no receiver but with so much to learn this is a start.

    It loads them by pointing to a directory and loads all files in it with a xml extention so just put all files in a folder called spark.

    Oh yeah, it'll load and look blank. Hit Satellites in the editor to get the sat list and then there is the TP list etc which will be blank if you select a sat with no TPs.

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    Last edited by Yankee495; 02-04-2012 at 09:39 PM.

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