Filetage: Vix 4 SH4

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    Vix 4 SH4
    Date d'Adhésion
    Dec 2010
    Atlanta, Ga.
    Poster des remerciements / J'aime
    It looks like OpenVix is supporting or at least partially supporting enigma2 images for Amiko Alen and other SH4 receivers such as Golden Media TripleX.

    The attached image is the best E2 image that I have tested on a SH4 receiver.
    OpenVix has been a favorite to many people that have VU+ and other receivers.

    Many vendors and sellers of Amiko, especially in North America, will not appreciate this image because they would rather sell you a brand new Alien3 instead of supporting the receivers they have sold in the past. For those dealers, FTA is all about how much money they can Make rather than how much support they can give!

    Future or modified images for the Alien 2 will be in the Golden Media TripleX section. EB

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    Last edited by el bandido; 09-15-2014 at 09:24 PM.

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