Overall, the Raptor is the best fta receiver that I own but it has some issues that I would like to see fixed.
Recently I have became aware of sat file problems with the Raptor, and I would like to discuss them so everybody will know about them.

The Raptor is currently limited to 58 diseqc 1.2 positions. I think this number was picked because it represented what was available a few years ago. Today, most of our positioners will handle at least 99 positions so the number of stored positions should be increased in the Raptor to at least 99.

Problems in the Raptor's sat file may start occurring way before the 58 position limit is reached if both tuners are being assigned diseqc 1.2 positions. 58 Positions seems to be all the receiver wants you to have for both tuners combined!
The problems mainly come in the form of settings changing themselves or settings not being stored. What will happen if you are entering in a large number of diseqc 1.2 positions is everything will start out normal, then settings will start changing, gradually at first, then more pronounced as you continue to add diseqc 1.2 positions.

There are ways to overcome or beat the two tuner 58 position limit, but it is not easy. Recently, I helped make a Raptor satellite file that had more than 58 diseqc 1.2 positions assigned between the two tuners, but it took countless hours to make.
Besides having more than 58 diseqc 1.2 positions, this sat file had switch settings, fixed dishes, and some USALS positions thrown in the mix.

Anybody buying a Raptor that has a large amount of diseqc 1.2 positions they want to use in the sat file needs to be aware of this diseqc 1.2 bug or problem.
Any antenna system that has over 58 diseqc 1.2 positions assigned to it,may or may not work in the Raptor.

If you have any questions about this problem, feel free to ask. This is an issue that would not affect many people but I would rather post about it now than have somebody complain about it after buying a Raptor! EB