My Norsat 8000ri lnbs perform just fine. The only complaint I would have about them is they are not quite s sensitive as I would like, but you are going to trade a little bit of sensitivity for the extra frequencies above 4200 MHz. A more sensitive lnb would also have a narrow frequency range if all other things were equal. The 8000ri lnbs have performed exceptionally well on all frequencies that I have tested including some radio transponders with a small symbol rate around 350.

We are constantly lied to when it comes to consumer lnbf's. The noise floors given for a lot of them are not realistic, and some of the other performance specs of lnbf's seem to reflect 'wishful thinking" than true specifications that are the result of controlled lab tests. Norsat specs showing a stability of +/- 500 kHz and Temp of 20-35 K is fine for the wide signals that we use in fta. The only way a pll lnb will help is when the signal is weak and narrow. A pll lnb will not help much if any on a weak signal with a symbol rate of around 1000 or higher.

PLL lnbs generate more noise when compared to a dro lnb, so more filtering is required in a well designed pll lnb which means more current is needed. A pair of Norsat dro lnbs will usually draw 250 milliamps or less , which is fine for our fta receivers. A pair of PLL Norsats may draw 500 or more milliamps which is the reason for a powered switch, or multiple receivers running to the same multi-switch and powered On at the same time.

Your mileage may vary, and opinions may vary. But I say get a decent set of Norsat or other quality made lnb for your system and enjoy the results. Consumer pll lnbs are more of a gimmick and an opportunity to sell something new than anything else. DRO lnbs work just fine for our fta satellite signals unless you are after data signals or very low symbol rates.