As people are aware, keeping up with service refernce changes and renaming picons has been a long standing menial issue.

From next image after Apollo 73, the picon code has been adapted to do away with the dependence on service reference. Picons will now be displayed based on the channel name subject to the naming parameters listed further down. This will mean the picon makers can now concentrate on making picons and not bother about keeping up with service reference changes.

The Service Named Picons (SNPs) are lower in the selection list than the conventional Service Reference Picons (SRPs). This is useful were a channel has the same name on different satellites and you wish to use a different picon for some of them. Nothing has changed with regards to picon locations.

The commit is below. It is opensource and other image makers are free to adopt this.
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# picon by channel name

name = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(name, 'utf_8')).encode('ASCII', 'ignore')
excludeChars = ['/', '\\', '\'', '"', '`', '?', ' ', '(', ')', ':', '<', '>', '|', '.', '\n']

name = name.replace('&', 'and')
name = name.replace('+', 'plus')
name = name.replace('*', 'star')
name = name.lower()

Hypothetical channel "DDC One London +1" will require a picon called "ddconelondonplus1.png"

We will endeavour to have the SNPs on the feeds, but as they are lower in the selection list, it is not important.

Lraizer's plugin users
For users of Lraizer's plugin, the LCN is attached to the service name. SNPs use the name form lamedb so this causes an incompatibility issue. As AB 28.2 has AutoPicons, best to continue using that.

EDIT 08 NOV 2014:
The service named Picons have been placed in the Picon folder on the openvix download site
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