The Amiko SHD-8900 Alien really got my attention. I search the internet for fta software and hardware as part of a hobby. When I saw this receiver,I simply could not pass it up. I just have finished paying $258.99 for this receiver and its optional wireless keyboard. This price includes a 3 year warranty through square trade on Ebay. Expected wait time for the shipping is approximately 2 weeks.
The Amiko SHD-8900 has a lot of features that I have dreamed about a fta receiver having. I dunno, maybe I just blew a couple of hundred bucks on a piece of junk, but I am sick and tired of the over-priced fta receivers with piss poor firmwares that are available in the U.S. & the North American Market.
One feature that stands out for me on this particular Amiko is the dual boot capability. I expect the SHD-8900 receiver to have the feel of two different receivers with the dual boot. The Amiko SHD-8900 pvr can also record not one or two but up to four SD programs at one time.
A .pdf review from a good source is attached. Please take the time to read the review and tell me what you think. I realize $260.00 U.S. is a steep price for a fta receiver, but look at all of the features and options I get for that money. I paid almost $260.00 for a Pansat 9500HDx receiver not long ago.
Buying a fta receiver like this is a very risky venture at best. To be as safe as possible, I purchased this receiver through Ebay. I also researched the seller as best as I could, and I paid with PayPal. Hopefully, I purchased an excellent receiver that very few people have in this part of the world, and at worst, I have lost some money. One thing is for sure: I could not stomach buying another Ali based receiver, so I decided to pass on the new SatAv product and put my money in this thing. Only time will tell if I made the right decision. EB