Flashed 04-29-2024 version Supreme to slot 4.

Setup completed without any problems.

Switching channels on 101 c band (same mux) takes about 5 to 10 seconds. While staying on the same mux, switching channels are almost instant. A few minutes later, switching channels on same mux, takes 15 seconds. Nuts!

Switched to 87 ku and switched channels on same news mux and it took almost 30 seconds to tune in a channel. Switched to another channel in same mux and dropped down to 10 seconds. A few minutes later switched again and tune in was almost instant. Switched again and tune took 10 seconds.

While in 101 c band mux, went to system and selected signal finder. It took 15 seconds to display. Exited and returned a few minutes later and display was instant.

Rebooted to slot 3 (build date 02-22) where everything works well for me except with a few quirks that I avoid.

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