Now, once you get it all fixed and back together, there is one way to keep this from happening again, (info to others that also have a BUD) what I do to mine is to anchor it in place when I get a storm warning, I first swing it due East or West to the hard stops,(depending on the direction of the incoming storm) I then turn off the Vbox or receiver (to keep the dish from being moved when anchored) and using some anchor points I put in the ground I install two guy lines to the side of the dish.

The guy lines are interchangeable, they can be switched around depending on the East/West hard stops I used, simple eyelets installed on the rim of the dish, and in the anchor points located in the ground at equal spacing's from the dish work wonders.

Note: if your anchor points are located in the lawn, be sure to install them low enough to keep from hitting them with a lawn mower.