Hi everyone,

I am looking for some help with how to run a blind-scan via the command line.

I have an Edision Mio 4K+ running TNAP, which is working great. I ran a blind scan via the GUI, and while monitoring the system processes via SSH, saw the blindscan command being run:

blindscan --start=950 --stop=1550 --min=1 --max=60 --slot=0 --i2c=2 --vertical
(I also saw it run without --vertical, to find the horizontally-polarized transponders).

Taking a look at the GUI, the scan was successful - transponders and programs were found. However, whenever I run this command myself from the terminal, I don't get any output to stdout, just a blank line. Is it possible that there are some environment variables being set by the plugin when it invokes blindscan that I'm not seeing? I welcome any suggestions, or if anyone wants to point me to the source code, I could take a look there too.

To give you more of an overall idea of what I'm trying to do: I'm planning to write a script that will periodically blindscan the arc of satellites that are available on my dish, and notify me whenever new transponders are found.

Thanks in advance!