I use only 1 lo of 13850 and adjust the tps from the opposite polarity to that lo...only have one polarity available to each stacked lnb so they cant change.

Anyway I found a solution/workaround !!!!!

I change the ones that werent working to Cband LO. That apparently released the control of the 22. So even though they are KU lnb I set the LNB in E2 to be a cband LO. Then adjusted the tps frequencies to that of 5150 instead of 10750 and wala it worked. The bandstacked lnbs on only one polarity must mess with the 2.0 and cause it to tryand fit all the ranges from both polarities and 22 on/off onto the 4 ports....therfore messing everything up..when changed to cband lo then it removes that "thought" since one is ku and one is "cband"
Ha tricked it...knew there was a way!

Thanks for all of your help!!!!!!!!