Thanks for letting me be a member of such an excellent and well managed FTA website! Nice to see lots of old friends on here, too.

I am new to X2 receiver, but not FTA.

My receiver is:
HW Ver:30270303,3
SW Ver: r2293-28265007 -xs0
Date: May 20 2013, 14:24:42
Description: IX2476_S2
Model: HD premium

Computer is iMac running Windows XP and have inconvenient access to Windows 7 on laptop.

What do I need (and which file) to install a current satellite/transponder list from approx 34W to 139W (assume install from USB stick or network). What software can I edit the satellite list on Win XP? I have used the site satellite-xml to download current satellite and transponder data in xml format for my AZBox.

What is latest recommended Firmware Version? What do I need to install it from USB stick or network? Will a new firmware also install a satellite/transponder list?

Will the X2 EZ-Manage Tool Editor and X2 Premium Editor be helpful and install on my Windows XP computer?