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    HD - Alma_2200_v1.20B6 - Discussion
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    this firmware came out a few days ago for the alma 2200s now the naked stuff is working again u porn well at least 2 days ago was the last time i had it hooked up,,, i also use my open box s9

    this latest firmware for the alma 2200s totaly changed the way the box looks its like a totaly different box now they have added in the banner the info if its a sd channel or a hd channel your watching like the open box line s9 s10 s11 s12 except it still needs work it seems on some hd channels it shows sd not hd

    more like the 720 stuff i guess but on 1080 stuff you see a hd light up i know my feeds and though this latest firmware did make the box better now for channel info many feeds now also show more info in the banner more than even the open box line like stuff like scopus net tech or other names of the channel names of sat trucks its hard to explain just better as in more info (except the fact it still needs to be tweeked to know 720 is a hd not a sd but over all a big step up ! in channel banner info in this line of alma2200s ali 3606 box!

    they also added somthing new called a quick scan in the menu now at first i thought it was a improvment for the blind scan but its not its only for there sats over in europe pre set you cant change them to scan our sats even if you add your own channel list to this box from usa .

    that new part they added for quick scan is again somthing we cant use or change.. so thats not a plus unless there is in future firmware a way for use to put in our sats?

    speaking of blind scan i have to say this new version of the alma 2200s box firmware did not help over all compared to any other version i have used and i have used about 5 different ones this box is a bit slow in blind scan times compared to my open box example is 99w ku open box times just under 3 minutes to 3 and half the alma 2200s around 5 minutes to 7 minutes on the other firmwares i have tested on the alma and this new firmware out for the alma 2200 in my opinion kind of made it even slower.

    so lots of new looks for this box better layout of menus banner info has improved a lot but still needs to know what 720hd is so not to show sd in the banner on those new feature looks like a fast blind scan but not our sats can even get into that added sats for europe to edit so thats no good

    and blind scan what they do rob petter to pay paul? as in what ever they did didnt help the blind scan out made it slower?

    or is this new look to the alma 2200s a copy of a another ali box some how made into there box and thats why it looks like a different model or brand name and thats why the blind scan kind of slower?

    if one looked at the firmware side by side one would say this is a totaly differnt box so who knows?

    at least over all this is a good box has a few plugins i guess you call them u tube u porn google earth the news stuff you read,

    good picture quailty better than open box there is no sound issues as in lips match what there saying...

    Over all Thanks To Traian from world sat he did say here that there was some changes for the alma 2200s and boy they sure did!

    maybe soon more folks will own a alma 2200s i still say this is a good lower cost multi meadia box to start out with especaily if your like me and have a open box s9 s10 11 12 around and wanted to get into say a multi media type box and only shell out around 100.00
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